291981255 - Routing Number
Routing Number 291981255 is the routing transit number of MINNESOTA VALLEY FED CU situated in MANKATO, MN.
It is a nine digit bank code, used in the United States, which identifies the financial institution of the check on which it was drawn. Routing Numbers are also used for routing of funds to the destination bank in e-payments (ACH Routing Number) and fedwire transfers (Fedwire Routing Number).
You can find the complete routing details about MINNESOTA VALLEY FED CU, MANKATO below including routing number, address, phone number and other contact information in a particular City, ZIP Code, County or State.
MINNESOTA VALLEY FED CU - ACH Routing Number (291981255)
Routing Number | 291981255 |
Office Type | Main Office (O) |
Bank Address | PO BOX 4399 |
City | MANKATO |
State | MN |
Zip Code | 56002-4399 |
Bank Phone Number | (507) 387-3055 |
Service Number | 091000080 |
Record Type Code | 1 |
Institution Status Code | 1 |